

 Owning a Home childcare or working in a daycare with young children is not for everyone. That's one of the reasons it pays so well to own one. I will be the first to say that it takes a lot of patience to deal with small children regularly. They can try your patience to levels that you didn't know existed. Some children are just bad or poorly trained by their parents and they just do not know better. With all this said, you should never, ever hit or yell at the children in your home childcare. EVER!

 Some people believe in the discipline that a good spanking may bring but that just isn't your responsibility. Corporal punishment is illegal in most if not all states of the union and should be left to the parents to handle. If you are having a problem with a particular child then you should always have a meeting with the parents and discuss the problem and how to handle it. Striking children is definitely not allowed, no matter how extreme the offense and can be an easy way to lose your license. Make $3000 a month (or more) in a Home Childcare business