

 Owning a Home childcare or working in a daycare with young children is not for everyone. That's one of the reasons it pays so well to own one. I will be the first to say that it takes a lot of patience to deal with small children regularly. They can try your patience to levels that you didn't know existed. Some children are just bad or poorly trained by their parents and they just do not know better. With all this said, you should never, ever hit or yell at the children in your home childcare. EVER!

 Some people believe in the discipline that a good spanking may bring but that just isn't your responsibility. Corporal punishment is illegal in most if not all states of the union and should be left to the parents to handle. If you are having a problem with a particular child then you should always have a meeting with the parents and discuss the problem and how to handle it. Striking children is definitely not allowed, no matter how extreme the offense and can be an easy way to lose your license. Make $3000 a month (or more) in a Home Childcare business


Home Childcare and Holiday Time

This time of year is tough for a lot of parents as the kids are out of school and finding someone to watch over them may be difficult. This is an opportunity for many home childcare providers to make a little extra money helping out their neighbors with 6-10 year old children. Some childcare providers may not carry the maximum allowed by their home state and may be able to take on extra children during this period.

This kind of service is very much appreciated by parents as the big childcares in the area probably charge a heavy fee for weekly drop-ins. Even though making a profit is the reason for running a business, it takes love and caring to develop a good relationship between children and their parents. Learn to own your own Home Childcare


Take Action in Home Childcare

 When promoting new home childcare, you must do whatever you must do to get your business started. If you don’t let everyone know that your business exists then you will not get customers. Don’t get lazy when it comes to advertising your business. This is the point where people start looking for the easy way out. 

 There are a ton of folks that need childcare, less expensive childcare or a provider that they can trust. You must spend your time finding out the needs of your potential customers. Remember that the key to let people know that you are open for business. Don’t get lazy! Once you get started, word of mouth will begin to take care of itself. 

 Becoming an excellent role model and teacher to your client's children is important. Behavior is imitated by children and bad or abusive behavior should never be part of your business day. Think constantly of how you would want a home childcare provider to treat YOUR children while you were away earning a living. When you build trust among your clients, word of mouth spreads good things about your business and advertising becomes unnecessary. 

 To be successful in home childcare, you must do the things that have made people successful in the recent past. Too many of us search for shortcuts to success because the road to success is uphill. That’s why so many providers fail to take their business to the next level. You have to really want to succeed to the point of where it commands your complete attention and focus. 

 Research the plan of action taken by others in the childcare industry and meet the needs of parents who will become your loyal customers. Earn $4000 a month (or more) with a Home Childcare Business!


Home Childcare Business and You

Starting a small childcare in the comfort of your home is a great way to bring an income into your life without the hassles of job interviews and the drama of office politics. All it really takes is a love of children and a need of money. It also helps if you hate working for someone else. Most people don't like to be told what to do and when to do it. And looking at your paycheck is a great reminder of how much you are underpaid for your work. When you work for yourself, you set your own pay scale.

A great love of children is something that you need in a home childcare business. This comes natural for most people or you would not have children of your own (assumung that you have kids). Children need a positive role model since their own parents are working so much and their love and respect for you is something that will last for years. My wife and i often run into teenagers that we used to care for 10 or 12 years ago who are elated when they see us. This is truly a great feeling!

When establishing your childcare rates, it is best to research the childcares in your neighborhood and charge a little less than they do. This usually keeps us at our maximim of 6 children that the state of Georgia lets us have. We also have two afterschoolers for a couple of hours everyday. They are easy to look after since they do homework and study most of the time. And because of this business we can spend more time with our own children. This is a very rewarding business to be in. Make $3000 a month in Home Childcare


Home Child care and H1N1

With the ever increasing threat of flu viruses in particular H1N1, many parents have been concerned over the possibility of their children getting the virus from other children at the childcare facility. This is one of the reasons that many parents prefer to take their child to a home childcare provider. The small number of children reduces the odds of your child getting sick while you are at work everyday.

A home child care provider will probably be able to give your child more personal attention when he or she is not feeling well. Sometimes when a child is at a larger childcare, the provider may overlook the illness due to having so many toddlers to look after. A provider at a big childcare may not even care much about your child's illness as they are really nothing more than an employee and are only waiting to get paid at the end of the week. Home Childcare Business


Almost Everyone Needs Childcare

Childcare is just one of those needs that never seems to go away. As long as people are going to work and have children then we will need childcare. This means that someone has to meet this need and get paid for it. That's what business is all about, finding a need and getting paid for meeting this need.

Many people think that they cannot handle being around children for 10 hours a day. It cannot be any worse than dealing with the childish behaviour of people involved in office drams or having an arrogant boss who belittles you at every opportunity. The stress alone of having a responsibility that makes more money for the ownwer of the business, not YOU! The only way to make any REAL money is to own your own business and grow it through your own personal efforts.

To your financial future,

Randy Powell
Home Childcare

Make $3000 a month with your own Home Childcare Business!


How To Own Your Own Home Childcare Business

 Many people close their mind to running a Home daycare for children from their home but is legal to do it in all 50 states in America. Owning your own successful Home childcare is easier than you may think. Many people are fearful of starting their own business and prefer the safety of working for someone else. Fear is part of going out on your own. Doing what is uncomfortable is a large part of doing what it takes to be successful. 

 Running a home business may be new to you and may make you scared or uncomfortable but don't let that stop you. It is a much different experience when YOU are the Boss in YOUR own business. When running a home childcare it takes some effort to be successful yet it is something that anyone with desire and persistence can do.

 Having WILL POWER is about doing the things that you DON’T
like to do or want to do to be successful. Anybody can do something that’s
easy to do, like something that’s not much of a challenge yet you expect to reap benefits. If you don't attempt to do anything then your life will stay the same every day.

If you want more in life then you must take a chance.
Home Childcare business in your own Home

Randy Powell,